17 stats on mobile usage that show the Dutch just love mobile

Hester Gras

With the proliferation of mobile usage, marketers are wise to treat mobile not as an extension of their communications strategy, but to take a mobile-first approach. During the annual Marketing Insights Event (MIE) in Utrecht, research company Ruigrok | NetPanel continued to emphasize the importance of mobile. They did research on mobile usage in the Netherlands throughout the year 2014, published a book on the results and presented the most important ones at the event. Check out the stats here!

Dutch people love mobile

75% of Dutch residents owns a smartphone and 61% of all Dutch people has access to a tablet. In addition, 95% of youth owns a smartphone. There are less smartphone owners in the category of 65 years and older: ‘only’ 45% of that group owns a smartphone.

Mobile usage in the Netherlands. Source: Ruigrok | Netpanel.
Mobile usage in the Netherlands. Source: Ruigrok | Netpanel.

Internet usage on mobile

Internet usage on smartphones and tablets has increased between 2012 and 2014. By contrast, internet usage on laptop/desktop noticed a small decline between 2012 and 2014.

While internet usage on smartphones has increased from 44% in 2012 to 59% in 2014, there was an even bigger increase for youth. 89% of youth has used internet on their smartphone in the year 2014.


Internet Usage on mobile devices and laptop/desktop. Source: Ruigrok | NetPanel.
Internet Usage on mobile devices and laptop/desktop. Source: Ruigrok | NetPanel.

Mobile usage differences male & female

The researchers showed some surprising but interesting facts when it comes to mobile usage differences between males and females:

  • Private mobile usage at work: 48% male vs. 38% female
  • Mobile usage at the toilet: 37% male vs. 27% female
  • Mobile usage during biking: 24% male vs. 13% female
  • Mobile usage during car driving: 21% male vs. 7% female
  • Mobile usage during meetings: 15% male vs. 5% female
Source: Hollandse Hoogte.
Source: Hollandse Hoogte.

Can we live without our phones for one month?

Finally, they analyzed if we can live without our mobile phone for one month or would rather surrender something else to keep our mobile phone. The results show that, instead of missing their mobile phone for one month…

  • 84% would rather miss alcohol for one month
  • 75% would rather miss their tablet for one month
  • 46% would rather miss sex for one month
  • 46% would rather miss coffee for one month

View the whole presentation or request the book

View all slides of the presentation here: ‘The Year of Mobile’. If you would like to read all research results on mobile usage in the Netherlands, you are welcome to request the book ‘The Year of Mobile’ via kjell@ruigroknetpanel.nl. The book is written in Dutch and available free or charge.

The Marketing & Insights Event was organised by NIMA and MOA.

Marketing & Insights Event (MIE 2015)



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