8 ways to use video to communicate with your employees

Hester Gras

With the average Internet user watching over 200 videos each month, video is a powerful and engaging way to communicate within your organization. Video catches your employee’s attention, because sharing stories that spread emotion are simply put far more interesting than reading bullet points. We listed eight ways to use video in your internal communications strategy.

1. Feature your heroes in less traditional ways. What does a picture on the wall truly tell you about a person? It would be much more interesting to take your video camera and ask employees how they accomplish what they do so well.

2. CEO Messages. Short videos such as interviews with the CEO can help to create a connection between the upper management and the rest of the employees. For instance, share updates about current developments, performance, upcoming events, policies, changes in the marketplace that have an implication on your business, or congratulations for good work being done.

3. Give your employees a voice. No one knows your brand better than the people who work for your company. So, why not let your employees create engaging employee material? It will help to create extra awareness for your internal communication tools and creates a brand image of authenticity and honesty. For instance, ask employees to share their thoughts in general or ask them about their challenge or accomplishments. By sharing these videos with your customers, they are able to learn more about who is “behind the scenes” too!

4. Share your company’s story and changes. Video is an excellent tool to let your employees recognize that they’re all working towards the same values and business objectives, and have the same commitment to the community. You can keep everyone informed of changes in direction, structure, communication tools, and explain the reasons behind these changes. The video below shows how eBay is using video in its internal comms strategy:


5. Join events and conferences. Events and conferences are a great what of building team moral and video can provide a memory of those experiences. For instance, share updates and memories on your company’s customer events, industry events and activity days out for team building.

6. Share educational videos. Best-practices trainings, sales trainings, journalistic and verbal communication trainings; all of these areas can benefit from the use of video communication tools. Another possibility is horizontal training – other employees giving tips about how they work more effectively. These educational trainings allow you to upskill staff across the business, while saving costs over traditional training methods and creating an archive for future reference.

7. Add case studies and testimonials. Both have great value as external marketing tools but these stories are also important to your employees. Make them proud and share the recognition from industry peers!

8. Induction of new employees. Forget about the handbooks – video gives new employees the chance to see and more easily understand your business. Show their workplace, best practices, provide health and safety information and explain more about holidays, sickness and other important processes.

What’s your experience with video in your internal communications strategy?
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PS. you might also like our interview with eBay’s Head of Strategic Communications.


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