Problems We Solve

I can’t reach non-desk employees

The employees that don’t come into the office; they work on the ‘floor’ or on location at the customers. How do you reach them? The golden ticket: combining need-to-have aspects with nice-to-have aspects. Make using the app fun and worthwhile, give the ‘what’s in it for me’ a prominent place.

I have disengaged employees

Disengaged employees can cost you lot: they call in sick more often, are more involved in safety events, and put in less effort that engaged employees. Communication is the key to getting your employees engaged (again).  Top-down, bottom-up and peer-to-peer. Learn what is going on in your organization and act accordingly, while communicating this back to your employees. Let them raise their voice.

I don’t want another new system

Often you hear: not another system! That takes too long and we have too many tools to support. Don’t worry, we got you. We integrate with your existing tools, you won’t notice we are there. Our platform is a SaaS solution, therefore we keep the platform updated for you.

We don’t have a complete Active Directory

Not everybody in a Directory? No problem, you are not the first one. We encounter many companies have employees that are not in the Directory. Sometimes an organization only have a home address, or email address. We have several solutions for that, so that everybody is able to login. Such as self-registration or an employee characteristic, for example the number of an employee.

We have know-how helping companies from different sectors

Relevance in Healthcare

The healthcare industry is changing rapidly. Administration procedures and knowledge sharing takes place online, therefore digitization is necessary to provide your employees with the best tools. Our Relevance platform helps you to make all documents and protocols findable, and supports your employees to share knowledge, wherever you are.

Relevance in Pharmaceutical

Pharmaceutical companies have a lot of knowledge workers as well as blue collar workers, thus they need a secure and relevant employee hub. The Relevance platform allows you to share both global and local news, in the language your employees prefer. Defeat the knowledge-silos and connect every employee, on every location. With our Reputation part in the app, you have instant access to important information and documents about certain subjects, also when you don’t have an internet connection.

Relevance in Government

Easy and safe collaboration and knowledge sharing. Let your employees connect to each other, throughout different departments. Do you have an event with important external visitors? Our Relevance platform has the best event-app, no need for the schedule on paper! Our matchmaking algorithms will match the right people to connect and engage with each other.

We like efficiency (hence, the measurable internal communications platform) so please.. not call us if: 

SharePoint and Yammer are in place and fully serve your needs 

You believe that your social intranet is the next big thing 

You can already perfectly reach all your employees 

You do not think engagement and corporate identity are linked 

No editors or internal communications team 

You want to own your comms platform’s source code and run it yourself 

Your IT department can build your communications platform this year 

The internal communications department does not report any KPI’s 

Your main KPI is “number of articles produced in a [pick a period]” 

Internal comms is a cost center 

War on Talent does not affect you 

Your organization has no interest in millennials 

Your employees are happy with 10 different company apps 

You have a nephew that builds apps in his dorm room 

Your employees are fully engaged and identify with your brand 

You are not interested in measuring communication effectiveness 

Your organization is not ready for data-driven improvement 

Your communications people are perfectly happy, copying news articles from multiple systems 

Communications’ main task is to publish content on the intranet written by others 

You are Mark Zuckerberg



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