Fox Networks Group (FNG) is part of The Walt Disney Company. In the Netherlands it exploits several channels, such as FOX Sports, FOX, 24Kitchen, National Geographic and Disney Channel. The organisation was looking for a solution to keep all employees informed on all the brand and internal news updates, from any location and at any time.
FNG has beautiful content and they have a lot of information to share internally, such as viewing figures or the announcement of a premiere. Previously, the different departments all used email to distribute information and news to everybody. This resulted in an overflow of information, while not all information might be relevant for everyone. Research among employees showed that they experienced this as an information overload, as they did not know which email would be relevant to them personally. As a consequence, employees sometimes skipped over relevant and important information.
Since the launch of the ORTEC Relevance Platform, the employees at FNG enjoy their branded app and feel well informed. This also leads to more engaged employees. Where at first the content was pushed to the employees via email, everyone is now pulled towards the app. Employees have a clear overview of the available content, so now they can read what they are interested in and whenever it suits them. While commuting, during lunchtime, or the most recent news and viewing numbers after waking up.
ORTEC for Communications helped FNG Benelux with reaching all their employees with the news that is relevant and important to them. From the start, FNG communicated that all information could be found in the app, called INFOX. Also, large banner posters were hung in the lunch area to promote the app. Therefore, everybody immediately knew from the start that INFOX is the go-to channel for all internal information. Because of all this, FNG has a staggering adoption rate of above 90%!
Relevant to all: Now every employee can choose to read the information they are interested in, instead of avoiding all messages because it was too much. Thus, the news is now consumed better, and employees are better informed
Corporate and social news: Besides the tiles with information per channel brand, there is also a Social Wall in the app. This creates bigger cohesion between employees
Measure the impact: Now, everything is measurable with the easy-to-use statistics in the Relevance dashboard. Where at first it was unclear how many employees read a published article, it is now fully clear what channel is most popular, which articles are browsed and which are read. But also, what time of day is best to publish an article? And more analytics, which help to publish content that employees like to read.
Fox Networks Group Netherlands
Fox Networks Group Netherlands was recently acquired by The Walt Disney Company Benelux. Theatrical releases, Home Entertainment, television channels including National Geographic, 24Kitchen, FOX, Disney Channel and FOX Sports are distributed by TWDC Benelux.
Discovering new things together
ORTEC for Communications is proud to work with a company like Fox Networks Group and is thrilled to contribute to their communication efforts. Both ORTEC and Fox work for a good employer-employee relationship.