How can mobile enterprise apps increase the engagement level of your employees? Based on the experience we have with enterprise news apps at several corporates like ING and Rabobank, we can point you in the right direction. In our white paper on employee engagement, we analysed two of our internal enterprise apps to determine the engagement level of employees. It shows that engaging internal enterprise apps can help enterprises to promote productivity and employee engagement. In spite of this, only a few companies are taking full advantage of the capabilities that mobile enterprise apps offer.
Employees can be happy, motivated, or engaged, but an optimal worker meets all three (source: Sharlyn Lauby). Happiness is about satisfaction: are employees happy at work? Motivation relates to their expectations: are they getting what they expect in return for their efforts? Employee engagement, however, is different. Unlike happiness or motivation, engaged employees understand what it takes for the company to be successful. They want to be involved in the organisation’s success and are willing to do what it takes to help their business get there. Keeping employees informed in real time for instance by using an imgZine enterprise news app can be a first step.
Three advantages of engaged employees
From a physiological perspective, the three main advantages of engaged employees are:
- Engaged employees work longer
- Engaged employees have a better focus on organisational priorities than less engaged workers
- Engaged employees are more productive
However, organizations will only notice these advantages, if they provide the support, tools and technologies that their employees need.
Stay connected with a mobile enterprise app
While new technologies and devices enable us to be connected anywhere and anytime, organisations still keep a distance between the workspace and the outside world (see source: Smile). As a result, employees may not be able to tap into their full potential. They may feel less motivated and may lack the means to participate and communicate more openly with their colleagues. In other words, they may feel the need to be more connected. And what else helps them to stay more connected than their personal devices, such as a smartphone and tablet? A mobile enterprise app is the perfect tool for organisations to share knowledge, communicate the latest news and connect with employees throughout the day!
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