A few weeks ago, Localytics performed research on the behaviors and desires of 1,000 app users. The study reveals interesting, and for some maybe unexpected, results with regard to the question what people actually want from apps in the future. Overall, it can be said that app users aren’t afraid of exchanging data about who and where they are, if it means they get a more personalized app experience in return.
What do people want from apps in the future?
With regard to the question ‘what do you want from apps in the future?’, people in the first place answered they want apps that provide more functionality. However, the things app users mention in the second and third place all have to do with providing users with more personalized app content. App users want apps to present content that is personalized to their preferences and location and to seamlessly connect with their online and real-world experiences (see graph below).
What sort of personalization do users wish for?
Shortly, it can be said that people don’t want exactly the same experience as other app users. However, with the foregoing in mind it’s interesting to know what sort of personalization app users wish for. Therefore, Localytics looked at the most requested forms of personalization among app users, which are listed below:
1. The app always applies my stated preferences
2. The app knows the last action I took in the app (and factors that into content displayed or in push messages sent to me)
3. The app knows my location (and factors that into content displayed or in push messages sent to me)
4. The app knows the last action I took in the real-world (and factors that into content displayed or in push messages sent to me)
The study reveals that, particularly for companies for whom mobile is a critical part of their business, it will become increasingly important to create apps that perfectly know their users in order to provide them with personalized content. This equates to greater app engagement and retention among users throughout the whole user lifecycle. Curious about other ways to increase app retention? Read our earlier post about push messages.
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