Employee engagement, employee happiness, employee wellbeing; all are popular themes and often thrown around interchangeably. However, they have a different meaning and approach. Let’s walk you through the term employee wellbeing and read more about why it should be a topic on your Internal Communications agenda.
Employee wellbeing participates in employee engagement
Employee wellbeing is related to employee engagement. After all, employees can never get engaged when they aren’t feeling well in the workplace. However, employee wellbeing is more than just people’s medical health. It covers the whole spectrum of the physical and psychological workplace environment; the things you can influence by workplace interventions.
For example, you can provide healthy snacks in the workplace, enable sports opportunities or create flexible working hours. You can find more practical ways to influence employee wellbeing in next week’s blog post.
Output of employee wellbeing for your organization
It’s a fact that happy employees are more productive and less sick. Raising productivity wil increase your revenue and less sickness will save costs. When looking further, happy employees are also more loyal towards their employer and more likely to tell about your organization in their network. By encouraging their happiness, they can become one of your strongest marketing tools!
Employee wellbeing should be on the agenda of an Internal Communications Manager
You might think: “what has employee wellbeing to do with internal communication? It sounds more like an HR topic.” Well, although employee wellbeing is an HR responsibility, internal communications should be aligned. Employee wellbeing is not just another project, it should be closely related to the organizational culture as an extension of the brand values. If you wish your employees will hop on de wellbeing train, they should be able to experience the renewed brand values in all your communications.
In order to do so, a multichannel internal communications platform is key. Imagine a platform where you can easily send the right message to the right employee at the right time and device.